In Memory of Rick Ellis

On January 15, 2017, Richard Jay Ellis suffered a serious heart attack while riding his motorcycle and "finished his journey" in this world, having touched thousands on two continents not only with his enthusiasm for life, his unique sense of humor, his love and devotion to his family, but above all his tender heart full of love and compassion for people. Rick was 60 years old.

Those who knew Rick knew that he enjoyed life with hobbies such as diving, fishing, hunting, building and sailing wooden boats, as well as motorcycling. But what most filled his life were people: listening to their experiences, helping them with their problems and concerns and pointing them to the solution who is Jesus Christ.

Everyone has stories about Rick. Please share your favorite memories of him, photos, pranks, or lessons he taught you as we build out this memorial together.

Rick taught me…

To take some risks once a while.

Posted on 8/17/2022 by Devin
Rick always used to say…

I think of myself as a young guy... on the inside.

Posted on 8/15/2021 by Devin
Rick always used to say…

I wanna know... Have you ever seen the rain? Comin' down on a sunny day

Posted on 1/17/2020 by Devin
Rick made me smile when…

...after being expressly forbidden to ride the moto he showed up at my door disheveled, dirty & injured & told me I had to help him hide the minor damage he'd just done to the moto so he had time to get cleaned up before his parents got home! I don't think they ever found out.

Posted on 12/29/2018 by Darlene Sue Jenkins
My favorite Rick prank was when…

We dressed Rick up as a girl with wig & blazer from his mom & one of my skirts. Took a polaroid of us leaning back to back with our arms crossed & turned toward the camera smiling. Next day we told our schoolmates that Rick's cousin had come to visit & we showed everyone the photo. They believed us!

Posted on 12/29/2018 by Darlene Sue Jenkins
Ricardo me enseñó…

Pelear la buena batalla

Posted on 2/22/2018 by Ana
Ricardo me enseñó…

Quedará en mi memoria tus consejos, inspiración, enseñanzas y ejemplo, mis más sentidas condolencias para toda la familia” Bye Rick! #BreakthroughToHeaven

Posted on 2/4/2018 by Juan Carlos Mendez
Rick made me smile when…

At the meal table he would often say, "I know who shot the sheriff, but who shot the deputy?" (Eric Clapton's song)

Posted on 12/29/2017 by Laurel Ellis
Rick made me smile when…

We're up camping/fishing in Cajas…Dad’s fishing reel falls into the lake@4000 meters elevation, cold. Rick sees it, says something like, “Oh it’s right there” about 2 meters down…strips to his underwear, dives in, retrieves the reel…comes up out of the water, with a big smile on his face, shivering.

Posted on 3/11/2017 by Henry Smith
Rick made me smile when…

Rick and I were around 12. We went to the big "Plaza Moreno" city square in the center of La Plata, Argentina and put our feet in a fountain and washed them. Every passerby would stare at us. We thought it was funny and laughed to our hearts' content.

Posted on 2/25/2017 by Sergio Scataglini
Su travesuras incluían…

Esconder las pertenencias de sus ovejas, sin embargo, un jueves de Estudio bíblico cuando solía llegar en moto tomé venganza. Escondí su casco. Al finalizar la reunión, observé que buscó sin consultar por 20 min, hasta que le pregunto ¿Pastor se le perdió algo? Sólo sonrió y me dio un cariñoso golpe

Posted on 2/23/2017 by Patricio Ampuero
Rick made me smile when…

he was 4 on his knees at church, he looked up seriously, but when his mother asked if he had finished praying, he responded “no” and bowed his head to continued praying. Suddenly his little hands began shaking. The Holy Spirit had his hand on Rick that resulted in his future missionary ministry.

Posted on 2/20/2017 by Dick Ellis
Rick always used to say…

We know who shot the sheriff....but the question is, who shot the deputy?

Posted on 2/19/2017 by Laurel Ellis
My favorite Rick prank was when…

When he and Dave Kenney threw me into the pool while I was trying to be the "MK Leader!"

Posted on 2/14/2017 by Joy Sorbo
Rick made me smile when…

I was privileged to get to know Rick and his family when they itinerated in Paisley, Oregon. One elderly couple hosted the young boys, and enjoyed watching them run and play in their home. I think they didn't know what hit them! ♡ The Schultzes have since retired to their heavenly mansion.

Posted on 2/9/2017 by Jim Dickinson
Rick made me smile when…

At their rental by Martha Lake, Rick would take one of their cats, turn it on it's back and run the kitty half way across the carpet before letting go. In a ball of static electric fuzz, the cat would leap away. About 10 minutes later the cat would return to Rick and he would do all over again.

Posted on 2/8/2017 by Dave Watanabe
Rick made me smile when…

Our memory is when we burned down the Ellis' house in Concepción while they were on furlough. Rick came to survey the damage and we were fearing his response. He looked around and later said "You could have at least had the fire later so that I could go to the Breakthrough Conference in Argentina."

Posted on 2/5/2017 by Bruno and Heather Frigoli
Rick made me smile when…

I remember meeting Rick when I was a shy, scared freshman at Northwest College. My cousin Laurel and he had just gotten married that summer. They made sure to look me up and spend time with me even though Laurel and I had not seen each other very much over the years. Special cousin-in-law.

Posted on 2/4/2017 by Lynette Munger (Smith)
Rick made me smile when…

He and Laurel went camping with our family and the Hedman's down in Conguillío, Chile. They had a helium balloon, breathed in a little of it and were talking funny. Laurel was expecting their first son, but was a trouper on the camp out!

Posted on 2/3/2017 by Carolyn & Everett Ward
Rick made me smile when…

I always take credit for introducing Rick and Laurel at Cedar Springs campgrounds during an MK retreat.

Posted on 2/3/2017 by Dave Kenney
Rick taught me…

that there will be times I don't like, jobs I don't enjoy, things I want to do but can't - but that I should stay on the path laid before me by God. There is a way that seems right to a man. but in the end it leads to death.

Posted on 2/2/2017 by Daniel Ellis
Ricardo solía decir…

Tu presencia me bendice

Posted on 2/1/2017 by Patricia Vives Salazar
Rick made me smile when…

Dad never was one to follow the safety instructions.

Posted on 1/29/2017 by Devin
Su travesuras incluían…

Un día fuimos invitados a comer a su casa junto a mi hija de 14 años y mi esposo. Los hombres salieron a andar en moto y Rick llevó a mi hija también. Cuando llegaron Rick dijo"Cuéntale a tu mamá donde fuimos" y mi hija señaló" fuimos a disparar"! y Rick añadió "Mas encima tiene buena puntería"

Posted on 1/28/2017 by Sandra Montecinos
Rick taught me…

That God never forgets His children and that God is a Father to the fatherless! I've known Rick since a young teen at MK retreats. He and Laurel have always been like family to me and his jokes, his hugs and word of encouragement at the right time were just reminders of God's love on earth. Ride On!

Posted on 1/27/2017 by Teresa Manning
Rick taught me…

How to work on cars and motorcycles

Posted on 1/27/2017 by David Ellis
Rick made me smile when…

He thought he was aquaman by squirting water with hands in the pool.

Posted on 1/27/2017 by David Ellis
My favorite Rick prank was when…

When dad would drive close to the edge of a mountain road

Posted on 1/27/2017 by David Ellis
Rick made me smile when…

My dad tried to pay him back for his prank on us and it backfired. My favorite memory is seeing Uncle Rick smiling in the distance as he watched the prank fail, shaking his head and mouthing "amateur"...

Posted on 1/26/2017 by Bethany Babcock
Rick made me smile when…

Laurel was in labor with Devin I thought Rick would never get to Clínica Francesa, but he did! We never saw cars speeding by on the outside lane, trying to beat the traffic... But that day we said, "There goes Rick Ellis!" Love all the Ellises

Posted on 1/25/2017 by Marilyn N Eddie Graves
My favorite Rick prank was when…

The MKs at NC used to get together for various activities. Rick's old car had a switch on the dashboard to shock whoever touched it on that side. On the way to a MK skating trip, we got Marilyn McCauley to sit on the passenger side & touch the dash, shocking to our delight & her chagrin.

Posted on 1/25/2017 by Randy Martin
My favorite Rick prank was when…

We attended NC together. The MKs like Rick and I used to try and do things together. Rick was always into some mischief once he made a flame throwers out of pop cans & lighter fluid. he ignited it just in time to almost fry the Resident Dorm Counsellor, Kevin Ashe.

Posted on 1/25/2017 by Randy Martin
Rick always used to say…

Hi hungry, I'm dad. [Watching movie with far-fetched plot] This is based on a real story.

Posted on 1/25/2017 by Daniel
My favorite Rick prank was when…

living in Chile as a kid I was over at the Ellis household when it was a birthday and a gift was handed over with much grace and dignity. What followed was countless layers of newspaper and ever smaller boxes. He also never tired of us coming back covered head to toe in grey mud from the quarry.

Posted on 1/24/2017 by Robert Caig
Rick made me smile when…

Just minutes before we took our last motorcycle ride, we were at some friends' house trying their smoked pork loin (Rick got them in to the art of smoked meats). Rick failed to answer a question, absently looking at me. When asked again he said he was just thinking how beautiful I am.

Posted on 1/24/2017 by Laurel Ellis
Rick taught me…

A bit more from Keith: . He was as talented as he was inspirational. Praying for Laurel and the rest of their family.

Posted on 1/23/2017 by Lloyd Smith
Rick taught me…

how to treat kids. This is from my son, Keith Smith. Rick was one of those guys who made the difficult look effortless. Whether he was sharpshooting a target at an impossible distance, helping an angry teenage boy (me) through a tumultuous time, or packing up and heading to the mission field.

Posted on 1/23/2017 by Lloyd Smith...for Keith Smith
Rick made me smile when…

I was an MK to Chile, and Rick and Laurel had come as new missionaries. We lived in a high-rise apartment building with a pool, and Rick came over to swim with us one day. He pulled his feet up close to his body, so he looked like a short man floating. I still do that myself, and I think of him.

Posted on 1/23/2017 by Nickie-Nick Pino
Rick made me smile when…

I was an MK in Cuenca, Ec when Ellis's lived in Loja. Our house was only a few miles from the Cajas Park & uncle Rick loved to go fishing. We gave him a key to our place so he could freshen up before going home. We always knew when he'd been there because he would leave a fish head on the door knob!

Posted on 1/22/2017 by Leah
Rick made me smile when…

Last year Rick was with us at Turning Point Church and spoke at VIPS white elephant gift exchange!! He took a gift unwrapped and she tried to keep her gift from him all in fun!! But he took it anyway but gave it back to her at the end of the party surprising us all!! What a heart!!

Posted on 1/22/2017 by Fern Jacobson
Rick taught me…

that taking the road less traveled can make all the difference; be it while riding motorcycles, but more importantly with the choices we make in life.

Posted on 1/22/2017 by David Ellis
Rick taught me…

To follow my dream. After discovering a lifetime dream to ride a motorcycle to Alaska, Rick simply asked me "what's stopping you"? I took his advice and realized my dream. It was a joy following him as he fulfilled his dream of riding to Chile. I will always remember you my friend.

Posted on 1/22/2017 by Dan Snavley
Rick made me smile when…

I met Rick in Banos Ecuador a couple months ago while my wife and I were riding our KLR's to Ushuaia, Argentina. We only talked for a little while but I could tell he was a great guy. I was hoping to reconnect with him as we are on our way back north.

Posted on 1/22/2017 by Milton Anderson
Rick made me smile when…

I remember riding back of Port Orford, Or. for miles into the mountains. We both drove KLR650's. He was a great man of God and great friend. I pray for Laurel and family. Love them. Doug and Pam

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Doug Jamieson
Rick taught me…

About being patient and not judging others.

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Kevin
My favorite Rick prank was when…

Rick picked me up one morning to go to high school. I suddenly felt a huge shock. Rick just kept driving. No idea what was happening. Rick started laughing. Rick had wired several wires through the passenger seat connected to a handheld push button wired to the coil. Fun times.

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Gary McIntyre
Su travesuras incluían…

El amor de Dios lo vi reflejado en su manera de ser, el pastor Ricardo era especial sin duda. A veces en el culto de la mañana compartíamos un rico pan con chicharrones de carne en la última fila para que nadie nos viera jaja! Mi querido pastor admira la belleza del Señor en estos momentos.

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Claudio Sepúlveda
Rick taught me…

my very first time on how to shoot a rifle with David on one of our outings in Conce.

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Jonathan Cartledge
Su travesuras incluían…

Se ofrecía llevarme en su auto pero antes decía "necesito pasar a lavar el auto", ya en la máquina del lavado bajaba los vidrios y claro nos bañábamos los ocupantes también. Eso es único en la vida y solo Ricardo lo podía hacer

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Marco (Zaragoza)
Rick taught me…

That there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to [spiritual] death.

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Daniel
Rick taught me…

how to shoot a decent picture.

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Devin
Rick always used to say…

Sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't.

Posted on 1/21/2017 by Devin
Rick taught me…

About 16 years ago, Rick Ellis invited me to be part of his team for a few months in Conce, to lead the youth group and perform other church duties. So far, that has been the best youth pastoral experience I have had. I'm thankful for his life and ministry, for working with me when I was very young.

Posted on 1/20/2017 by José Luis Moraga
Ricardo me enseñó…

Un hombre que peleó la batalla, acabó la carrera, y guardó la fe. Un afortunado, un dichoso, un hombre que conoció la GRACIA de Dios, vivió por ella, la compartió y ahora disfruta de ella. Un hombre que a diario mostraba la alegría de saberse amado por Dios. Es bienaventurado Pastor Rick!

Posted on 1/19/2017 by Felipe Olcese
Ricardo me enseñó…

Muchas gracias por invitarme a conocer otros fondos, otros paisajes y otros caminos. Sin duda este pasaje refleja la que fue su conducta. Que habite en ustedes la palabra de Cristo con toda su riqueza: instrúyanse y aconséjense unos a otros con toda sabiduría. Colosenses 3:16 (a) NVI

Posted on 1/19/2017 by Ignacio Rudolph Kuncar
Ricardo me enseñó…

Además de tener muchas pasiones en común (armas, aletas cortas y aletas largas con arpones, botes, motores, el ahumado, y -después de seis meses de negociación- las motos) también compartimos el amor de Cristo y su iglesia y la urgencia de que cada mensaje debía pasar por la cruz y la gracia.

Posted on 1/19/2017 by Ignacio Rudolph Kuncar
Ricardo me enseñó…

Fue una bendición para mi vida haber compartido con el Pastor Rick Ellis y ver el cristianismo en forma práctica, crecer en cada conversación, aprender de los detalles, valorar sus decisiones priorizando a los demás y sus consejos...

Posted on 1/19/2017 by Ignacio Rudolph Kuncar
Rick taught me…

Brad and I first met Rick right after we were approved as missionaries to Japan. He prayed a special prayer of blessing over our life and ministry, like he was a friend we had known for a long time, sharing incredible wisdom from his life as a MK, and then as a missionary for 30 years.

Posted on 1/18/2017 by Roberta Shimomura